The free FORMED iOS is now available in the App Store!
The FORMED app can help you drive engagement and implement FORMED in your parish better than ever before:
1. Re-Launch of FORMED in Your Parish
The free FORMED iOS app provides a great opportunity for you to re-launch FORMED in your parish. After Sunday Mass, make an announcement letting your parishioners know that the iOS app is now available. Encourage your parishioners to pull out their iPhones and download from the App Store as you make the announcement.
2. Engage a Team of Young People to Help
Allow the young people in your parish to invest in and assist their community! Enlist the help of some volunteers to man tech-support tables in the lobby after Mass on the weekend you announce the app. Parishioners can stop by to receive assistance in downloading and logging in to FORMED. As a FORMED Team, we will be providing more ParishCare and Implementation resources and webinars to empower your young parishioners to support the parish in this faith formation initiative.
3. Continue to Encourage “Holy Habits”
FORMED is a resource for you to help your parishioners form holy habits and take initiative in their own faith formation. When you encourage your friends, family, parishioners, and neighbors to download the FORMED app, ask them to add it to the Home Stripe at the bottom of the screen, or to position it next to other apps that they frequently use for entertainment, whether that’s Netflix, YouTube, Kindle, or social media apps. This allows you to make a conscious decision to grow in the faith next time you use your mobile device for entertainment. With an app, faith formation is just one click away.
Re-Launching FORMED with the free FORMED iOS app is a Win-Win-Win for your parish:
1. Your Parishioners Benefit
Technological challenges, especially from older parishioners, can be one of the biggest hurdles to regular engagement with FORMED. With the FORMED app, faith formation is now just a click away.
2. Young People in Your Community Benefit
Young people, and millennials in particular, are often characterized by a driving desire to make a meaningful contribution to their communities and to the world. By enlisting them to help parishioners access beautiful, life-changing content through their technical knowledge, you allow them to make an impact in their communities.
3. Young People Become Engaged in FORMED
When young people take responsibility in helping others access inspiring and powerful faith content, they are more likely to engage in the faith in their own life.
Use the following sharable images on social media, on your parish’s website, or in the bulletin to let your parishioners know that FORMED is now easier than ever to access on your mobile device!

when is Android app coming out?
It’s not on the immediate timeline, because we’re prioritizing TV apps (as they are simpler and more cost-effective for us to produce). See my other comment!
Is there a plan for Android? Android has a much larger market share, and their app store is a lot easier to work with in submitting apps.
Hi! Great question. Our current FORMED market actually has a vast majority of users, well over half, on mobile iOS devices, so we prioritized this app first. Android is complicated because, unlike iOS, making our video/audio players work on all kinds of devices would require dozens of apps (with the needs of FORMED, there’s no such thing as one Android app that will work for all Android devices). We will likely be prioritizing smart TV apps before Android, in the interest of making fewer apps that benefit more people. Thanks for the feedback!