Now you can find any FORMED resource quickly and easily with the new FORMED Search Icon on the menu bar! FORMED Search allows users to use search terms to find resources in FORMED.

To search for content on FORMED, type your search phrase and press enter. FORMED will now return the results of your search, split into four different categories: Study, Listen, Read and Watch. The category with the most results will be listed first. Simply click on the category header to see results with that tag.
Click any item within the search results to view details about the item, then you can play a movie, listen to an audio or read a book.
When you perform a search, FORMED remembers the last 10 search phrases that you have searched for. This allows you to re-search easily by clicking on the search history.
If you want to search for a specific phrase, then you will want to surround your search phrase with “double quotes.” Normally, when you search for a phrase, the search will return results with either part of the phrase in it. For example, if you were to search for Saint Anthony, then the results will return everything with the word “Saint” or the word “Anthony” in it. For a more specific search, you may search for the phrase “Saint Anthony” and search will only return items with the the complete phrase “Saint Anthony” in it (but not St. Anthony or Anthony or Saint).
The following video provides a nice visual introduction to Search:
Saint Anthony—Thanks for interceding for us!
This is a wonderful innovation for FORMED. Now we can bring up the exact item that we are looking for without having to scroll thru numerous pages of programs, books, or cd’s. Ease of use definitely promotes frequent use…
Bless you for all your efforts… Bill Silberman Dublin,CA