Jesus commands us in the Great Commission to teach the nations to observe “all that I have commanded you…” [Matthew 28:20]. But, what exactly is that body of teaching? The Catechism tells us that “the apostles entrusted the ‘Sacred deposit’ of the faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, to the whole of the Church” (CCC 84). In other words, the body of saving truth entrusted by Christ to the Apostles and handed on by them to be preserved and proclaimed is what we call the Deposit of Faith. St. John Paul II wrote that every Catholic has the right to receive this Deposit of Faith “not in mutilated, falsified or diminished form but whole and entire, in all its rigor and vigor” (Catechesi tradendae 30). Truly, every Catholic deserves to know their story and we need to be enthusiastic to share it with them!
Love Unveiled
Theology for Beginners