FORMED has created seasonal promo materials in both English and Spanish!
With the Christmas Season just around the corner, these new promo resources are perfect for launching your Advent parish-wide study, coupling the promotional bookmarks with a Dollar Book Christmas Giveaway, or simply reminding your community of the amazing gift of FORMED.
One new promotional material allows you to display a web banner on your parish’s website! This web banner serves as a link to bring your parishioners to the FORMED sign-in page with their access code already filled in! This option makes signing up for FORMED quick and easy for parishioners visiting FORMED for the first time. Instructions on how to set up this promotional web banner can be found at the bottom of the list of our Christmas Promo Materials.
Check out the Christmas Promo Materials here, or find them later by scrolling to the bottom of the Promo Resources page on our Leader’s Site.