Who were the “true reformers” of the Reformation and how did their actions change the course of history?
On the eve of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, FORMED presents the first episode of the widely-acclaimed series, True Reformers.
An Augustine Institute Studios Production, True Reformers provides insight into the time of the Reformation through the unique and extraordinary lives of six of the Church’s greatest saints. Through breathtaking visuals and thoughtful teaching, this program relates how the profound impacts of these six individuals transcended the ruling powers, cultural trends, and theological disputes of their time.
In this program, you will meet:

The first episode, released today, focuses on Englishman Saint Thomas More and his role in defending the Catholics of England during the Protestant Reformation.
The series’ six episodes will be slow-released over the next month, and all episodes will remain available on FORMED.
Episode 1: Saint Thomas More and the Age of the Author – Available October 30th!
Episode 2: Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Soldier for Christ – Available November 6th!
Episode 3: Saint Philip Neri, the Apostle of Joy – Available November 13th!
Episode 4: Saint Charles Borromeo, the Good Shepherd – Available November 20th!
Episode 5: Saint Teresa of Àvila, a Study in Perseverance – Available November 27th!
Episode 6: Saint Francis de Sales: Pastor of Souls – Available December 4th!