How FORMED can help you accomplish The Six Tasks of Catechesis


The National Directory for Catechesis outlines six essential tasks of catechesis:

  1. Promote Knowledge of the Faith
  2. Liturgical Education
  3. Moral Formation
  4. Teaching to Pray
  5. Education for Community Life
  6. Missionary Initiative

Even if you have never laid eyes on this list from the National Directory for Catechesis, these six categories likely encompass the goal of every program, small group, class, and initiative for both youth and adults in your parish. FORMED wants to help you direct your efforts to specific goals and provide thorough, well-rounded catechesis that includes all six essential tasks for your community. Accordingly, we at FORMED have compiled a categorized list of content available on which address each of the six tasks of catechesis. This document will help to remind you of your catechetical goals, in addition to providing the resources you need to achieve them!

1) Promote Knowledge of the Faith

Catechists are tasked with teaching the “basics” of the faith as revealed in the signs of creation, Sacred Scripture, Catholic tradition and human experience.

FORMED Resources to help you Promote Knowledge of the Faith:

Video Studies


  • Answering Common Objections Series (6 audio talks)



2) Liturgical Education

Catholics must be taught about the form and meaning of the Liturgy and the Sacraments, that their minds and hearts may fully enter into these mysteries of our faith.

FORMED Resources for Liturgical Education:

Video studies

  • LECTIO: Eucharist (10 sessions)
  • REBORN – Baptism Preparation (6 sessions)
  • FORGIVEN – Reconciliation Preparation (4 sessions)
  • BELOVED – Marriage Preparation/Revitalization (6 sessions)
  • YDISCIPLESacraments (5 sessions); Confirmation (5 sessions); Called (5 sessions)
  • PRESENCE – Eucharistic Preparation (coming soon)




3) Moral Formation

Instruct all in the moral teachings of the Church, which are the fulfillment of the Commandments.

Video Studies 


  • Marriage and Family section (15 talks)
  • Catholic Life section (20 talks)
  • Current Topics section (13 talks)


  • Practical Living section (14 books)
  • Parenting section (8 books)

4) Teaching to Pray

When individuals learn to converse with and listen to their God, the entire faith is open to them. We must instill in one another that a “climate of prayer” and participation in prayer invites individuals into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

FORMED Resources to teach people to pray:

Video Studies


  • Prayer section (12 talks)
  • Discerning Hearts (16 talks)



5) Education for Community Life 

Teach that the human person needs to live in society. Society is not optional, but a requirement of human nature.

FORMED Resources for Promoting Community Life:

Video Studies



  • Practical Living Category (14 books)
  • Parenting Category (8 books)

6) Missionary Initiative

Teach that all Christian service is an expression of love and is performed by Christians for the purpose of building up the Kingdom of God on earth.

FORMED Resources to Encourage Missionary Initiative:


Access a printable version of this content list here.

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