Need: We wanted to share the resources for FORGIVEN with the Parents and children preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in an email with easy to access links and descriptions of the program and sessions.

Description: We generated an email utilizing the FORGIVEN resources on FORMED for our First Reconciliation parents. We embedded the links into the email as well as our own parish registration link if they did not have an account yet.
I embedded Sessions 1-3 and Parents and Children videos with the short description of the sessions. The parishioner simply needed to click on the links and watch the videos.
I also added information regarding the recent apps for Apple and Android users so parishioners could use it on their mobile devices.  The email subject was: A Gift for You from St. Luke Parish: FORMED resources for the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Result: We had a great response from parents to thank us for the ease of use and for being able to watch the sessions on their mobile devices.  It was a click and play via email and they did not have too many steps to follow. The children also loved the short (12mins), but beautiful lesson to prepare them for the Sacrament of their First Reconciliation.

— Lourdes, St. Luke’s Parish

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