Every resource you need to implement A Lent to Remember as a Parish-Wide Study…all in one place!
This Lent, implement a parish-wide study that will flood the confessionals. Lent is the perfect time of the Liturgical Year for parishes to reach out to the multitudes and gather them all in to encounter Christ’s mercy as one family.
A Lent to Remember is a four-week, video-based study that uses Augustine Institute original productions Forgiven and Symbolon to present the power of God’s love and mercy in his Paschal Mystery and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
This parish-wide study is broken down into four weeks, each using a different episode from Forgiven or Symbolon, plus an optional episode for Children from Forgiven to be used with children, if possible. These episodes are packaged together in one Study, available in English and Spanish, called A Lent to Remember.
Week One: Forgiven: Where Are You?
Week Two: Forgiven: An Encounter with Mercy
Week Three: Forgiven: Embraced in Mercy: The Rite Explained
Week Four: Symbolon: The Paschal Mystery
Bonus Episode: For Children: How to Make a Good Confession
With FORMED, you have the tools to spread this inspiring message to your entire parish community. Read on to learn how!
1. Promotional Resources
Begin preparing your implementation of this parish-wide study by choosing printable promotional materials to help spread the word in your community! Resources are available in both English and Spanish:
Note: These promotional resources include a space to enter your Custom Registration URL. If you have not yet created your Custom Registration URL, learn how here.
2. Watch an Informative Webinar
One of our FORMED Implementation Specialists will walk you through the A Lent to Remember program, promotional materials, and utilizing custom content and FORMED community for a parish-wide study. Hear best practices, strategies from the field, and how to best prepare your community for an encounter with Christ this Lent.
A Lent to Remember Parish-Wide Study in English:
Estudio Parroquial Una Cuaresma Inolvidable en Español:
3. Discounted Participant Study Guides
Purchase the Forgiven Participant Guides at the discounted parish rate to help your parishioners go deeper each week (Weeks 1-3 of A Lent to Remember use the Forgiven study)!
Just $5.95 each! (Orig. $15.95)
Get FREE Shipping When You Order 20+ Guides!
Why purchase physical copy guides?
Study Guides remain, and will always remain, free for download with your parish FORMED subscription. However, in an effort to make it even easier for your parish to utilize these fantastic materials, we offer extremely attractive prices on printed, full color Participant Study Guides for Augustine Institute Studio programs for all FORMED parishes. The prices are so attractive that most parishes will find that they can get a full color Participant Guide for about the same price as printing/copying in house without the hassle or labor involved.
Did you know we offer special pricing for all Augustine Institute Studio programs for FORMED parishes?

Normal Retail Pricing:
FORMED Parish Pricing:

Pay only $5.95 each for Participant Guides for the following FORMED studies:
Pay only $8.95 each for Participant Guides for the following FORMED studies:
- Symbolon Part I: Knowing the Faith
- Symbolon Part II: Living the Faith
- Divine Mercy
- Lectio: Evangelization
- Lectio: Philippians
- Lectio: Eucharist
- Lectio: Peter
- Lectio: Prayer
- Beloved Marriage Preparation
- Beloved: Marriage Enrichment
Pay only $8.95 each for the following Participant Guides in Spanish:
- Symbolon , Parte: I: Conociendo la Fe
- Symbolon, Parte II: Viviendo la Fe
- Perdonado (Coming soon! Contact your Parish Consultant for details.)
Eligibility requirements for special pricing:
- Applies to Augustine Institute Participant Study Guides
- Purchaser must have an active FORMED Parish/Group Account
- Must purchase Study Guides in sets of 5 each (i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)
- FREE Shipping is available for orders of 20+ of a single title