How do we respond to a culture that no longer believes in truth?

We live in a society where being “intolerant” is the greatest sin of all. Catholics often feel they must make a choice between being moral and being kind. In Who Am I To Judge, Dr. Edward Sri explains how to engage with this culture in an unrelentingly moral and loving way.

This fall, FORMED is presenting two ways you can become a missionary prepared to meet today’s relativistic culture, and make missionaries in your parish!

1. Run a parish-wide study of Who Am I To Judge? to train members of your community to combat the sinfulness of moral relativism. 

2. Sign up for our 4-week Who Am I To Judge? digital study to participate in weekly sessions and discussions with Dr. Edward Sri! 

1. Give your community a parish-wide study


A parish-wide study encourages every member of the parish to participate in the Who Am I To Judge? study found on FORMED. Sessions can be watched and discussed in families, in-home small-groups, or study groups held at the parish.

Check out this message for Parish Leaders from Dr. Sri:

2. Enroll in Dr. Sri’s 4-week Digital Study


This fall, Dr. Sri will be leading a 4-week digital study of his Who Am I To Judge? series. Every Friday, receive the week’s Who Am I To Judge? sessions in your inbox, and take part in discussions with Dr. Edward Sri and other participants throughout the week!

Kick off your 4-week digital course September 20th, 12pm ET with a FORMED Live Event in which Dr. Sri will answer your questions about evangelization in today’s world!


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