Reach Your Parishioners with Christ this Advent and Christmas!
It can be all too easy to let Advent slip by in the flurry of decorating, baking, and shopping for gifts. Give your parish a Christ-focused Advent and help families start lasting Advent traditions that will ensure their hearts are ready for Jesus at Christmas.
Here are 4 ways you can use FORMED to help your parishioners have a special, faith-filled Advent! Some will only take just a few minutes of your time to complete!
Invite your parishioners to sign up for daily Advent reflections!
This year, FORMED is offering daily Advent reflections for the whole family direct to your parishioners’ inboxes! Participants will receive a daily video reflection from Dr. Tim Gray and can opt in to add children’s reflections from beloved animated character Brother Francis to their daily email! Sign up now!
Share this opportunity with your parishioners with this printable flyer:
Advent reflections from Padre Luis Granados are also available in Spanish!
Download a printable flyer to share this opportunity with your Spanish-speaking parishioners here.
Share the NEW FORMED for Advent printable resource!
A new printable resource is now available for the Advent season! The FORMED for Advent foldable flyer introduces your parishioners to Advent traditions and Advent-themed FORMED content they can enjoy as a family.
Captivate the entire parish with the story of salvation!
Lead your parish through a parish-wide study this Advent! Prepare the Way: An Advent Journey uses four episodes of the highly acclaimed Symbolon series to engage participants in the story of God’s salvation of his people in the past, present, and future at his second coming.
Give a life-changing gift to parishioners at Christmas Masses.
Reach those parishioners returning for Christmas with the wisdom of Dr. Scott Hahn in his book Signs of Life for as low as $1.50 a book plus FREE shipping! The Augustine Institute has amazing deals on this and several other books and audios to help you reach souls this Christmas!
Make sure to tuck the gift of FORMED between the pages with FORMED Christmas bookmarks and other Christmas printable materials (available in English and Spanish)!
Signs of Life
Dr. Scott Hahn celebrates the touchstones of Catholic life, unveiling the deep scriptural roots of 20 Catholic customs including holy water, the Mass, guardian angels, relics, Confession, and more!
El Anillo es Para Siempre
For the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation. This book was written in Spanish, by a native speaker, specifically for the Spanish-speaking world! Using the visible appearance of the wedding ring, Fr. Ángel teaches us about the profound plan that God has for marriage.
Into His Likeness
This approachable yet in-depth exploration of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus is a tremendously valuable handbook for anyone who wants to know and love Christ more than ever.