Help Your Parishioners Prepare Their Hearts for Christmas!
Engage the members of your community in a 4-session video-based parish-wide study on Prepare the Way: An Advent Journey uses four episodes of the widely acclaimed series Symbolon: Knowing the Faith that focus on the 3 themes of Advent:
- How God has saved his people in the past
- How God is saving his people in the present
- How Jesus Christ will ultimately come again in glory to judge the living and the dead
With beautiful film-making and compelling teaching, Prepare the Way: An Advent Journey will help your parish dive more fully into the story behind Christmas, God’s loving plan of salvation, and encounter Jesus, whose birthday we celebrate!
The four episodes are drawn from Symbolon Knowing the Faith:
Session 4: The Story of Salvation
Session 6: The Paschal Mystery
Also available in Spanish!
Not familiar with the concept of a parish-wide study? Learn more here.
1. Watch the FORMED Leader Webinar on Prepare the Way
Sean Dalton and Luis Soto will walk you through the study, its themes, available promotional resources, and the steps you can take as a leader to engage your parishioners with the Prepare the Way parish-wide study this Advent.
2. Spread the Word in Your Parish and on Social Media
Begin preparing your implementation by choosing printable promotional materials to engage individuals in your community.
- Distribute promotional business cards in a reverse collection: Fill the collection baskets with your printed business cards and send the baskets around a second time after Mass for individuals to take one
- Pass out flyers in the narthex and include flyers inside the Sunday bulletins in the weeks leading up to Advent
Example Business Card:

Then, prior to the start of the study, pique your parishioners’ interest with a pulpit pitch announcing the study and an eye-catching article in your bulletin.
Note: These promotional resources include a space to enter your Custom FORMED URL. If you have not yet created your Custom Registration URL, learn how here.
Reach even more people on social media!
Spread the word and give your parishioners easy access to each week’s video on your parish’s Facebook page, or other social media sites!
Navigate to Prepare the Way on FORMED and click “Share Page.” Include a personal message with the details of the study. Here’s an example:

Then, post each week of Advent with that week’s episode! Navigate to the episode on FORMED and click “Share Page.” Here’s an example post for Week 1:

3. Keep Your Parishioners Engaged Throughout Advent
Example Bulletin Blurb:

We at FORMED will be praying for your efforts as leaders to give your parishioners a more faith-filled Advent! If you have questions about this study, its resources, or other questions concerning the implementation of FORMED, please do not hesitate to contact us at Parish Care!