How do I engage parishioners who will never pick up a bulletin?

Your parish likely invested in FORMED not only for its inspiring programs like Symbolon and Forgiven which provide excellent material for RCIA and catechesis programs, but also because you want to evangelize—to encourage faith formation and faith sharing directly in your parishioners’ homes, and, perhaps even more so, to engage those parishioners who may only rarely walk through the chapel doors.

While no single program, video, book, or inspiring talk can take the place of authentic encounter between individuals, FORMED and its wealth of beautiful content can serve as the starting point for authentic conversations, and the hub for individual and family-driven faith learning.

FORMED makes it incredibly easy to meet individuals where they are. In fact, with FORMED, you can deliver the good, true, and beautiful of our Catholic faith directly to your parishioners’ pockets!

Here are 3 simple steps you can take to encourage those in your community at all levels of engagement to encounter Christ on FORMED:

1. Invite –  Invite members of your community to join FORMED initially by sharing your parish’s Custom Registration URL (ex., which can easily be sent via email or text message, or shared via social media. Gather your parish’s contact list, paste your Custom Registration URL with a personalized message, and hit send!

2. Recommend – Give your parishioners a place to start by sharing your favorite piece of FORMED content. On every content piece’s page, you can “Share Page” or “Share Topic” via social media or email! Sharing the page will share the entire video or audio, which will only be accessible to those who have registered for their free FORMED account. Sharing a “topic” allows you to customize a short clip from the video or audio. Once shared, this topic can be viewed by anyone, regardless of whether they have a FORMED account!

Look for these icons on any content piece’s page on FORMED!

3. Plug Individuals into your Community – Your FORMED Community page is the bridge between your parishioners’ individual faith formation on FORMED and getting plugged in to your community! Draw FORMED users to your Community page by creating custom featured content and discussion groups, where people can join in small groups and conversations surrounding the faith resources on FORMED!


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