FORMED is a dynamic, far-reaching tool that can not only provide you with excellent resources for parish ministries, but can also help the individuals of your community to transform their lives with greater knowledge of the faith, love of God, and holy habits.
Here are 6 basic steps you can take to integrate FORMED into your parish and give individuals access to life-changing Catholic content in their homes and every facet of their lives.
1. Share your Custom URL
Your custom registration URL is the simplest way to help people first register for their free FORMED account. Easily share this URL from your FORMED Community page via email or social media, and simply share it by word of mouth at Mass and among friends! Learn more.
2. Create a Registration Banner for your Website
Place an invitation to FORMED directly on your parish website that will link your parishioners to sign up for their free FORMED account and start exploring the goodness, truth, and beauty of the faith. Create your banner now!
3. Promote a Parish-Wide Study of Presence
Give your parish FORMED by introducing them to one beautiful piece of content with a parish-wide study. Select the series that best fits your community’s needs, or begin with Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist. This beautiful, three-episode series will deepen and revive your parishioners’ love for the source and summit of the Christian faith: Jesus in the Eucharist. Get every resource you need for a Presence parish-wide study!
4. Update your Community page weekly

5. Multiply Small Groups with SYMBOLON
Beginning with just one fruitful and faithful missionary disciple, you can start a movement in your parish that has the potential to form and empower every member to be the missionary disciple they are called to be.
Start with a single “growth group” in which one strong missionary disciple prayerfully selects five additional members to invite to a small-group study of Symbolon, an artful and systematic presentation of the truths of the Catholic faith. After growing in knowledge, leadership, and zeal for souls throughout the ten-week study, the members of this original group are called to start their own growth group with five more prayerfully chosen individuals.
The mustard seed growth group multiples from there: 5 – 25 – 125 – 625 – 3125 – 15,625 – 78,125 – 390,625 – 1,953,125 – 9,765,625 – 48,828,125 – 244,140,625 – 1,220,703,125 – 6,103,515,625.
7 cycles to fill a football stadium. 14 cycles to reach the population of the world. How many cycles would it take to reach the population of your community?
The multiplication of growth groups is the mark of a fruitful tree, and the solid catechesis found in Symbolon assures faithfulness to the truths of the Church, even as the branches become farther and farther removed from the original limb.
6. Integrate FORMED into Parish Ministries
Whether it’s sacramental prep, RCIA, youth ministry, Bible studies, or other organized faith formation, FORMED has catechetical and supplemental materials that will both provide engaging program material and empower your parish’s staff and volunteers with the resources they need to be faithful and fruitful leaders. View our recommendations for using FORMED in ministries.