Capture the Sacramental Moment with FORMED

Sacramental preparation is the perfect opportunity to engage the hearts and minds of Catholics who come back to the Church at these important stages in their lives.
Providing resources with trustworthy presenters, engaging instruction, and beautiful cinematic artistry, FORMED helps you transform sacramental preparation into the ultimate evangelization experience. From the RCIA process to marriage and Baptism preparation, FORMED helps you make the most of these moments for Evangelization.
Baptism Preparation

REBORN: You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism
- Session 1: A New Creation: Discusses Baptism as the heart of God’s plan of salvation from the beginning and the entry point into the New Covenant established in Christ between God and his people.
- Session 2: Entering the Mystery: Examines the Rite of Baptism to prepare parents and godparents to participate fruitfully in the Sacrament.
- Session 3: Nurturing the Life of Grace: Focuses on the role of the parents and godparents as being the first teachers of the child in the ways of the Faith and their call to be compelling witnesses of the Christian life.
Sessions Options Using REBORN
Reborn can be used for three 90-minute sessions
- Reborn can be also used in a one half-day session
Marriage Preparation

BELOVED: Finding Happiness in Marriage
- Part I: The Mystery and Meaning of Marriage: Tells the beautiful and compelling story of the Sacrament of Matrimony—a contemporary “case” for marriage using rich theology and catechesis from Sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Pope St. John Paul II. (6 sessions)
- Part II: Living Marriage: Focuses on the practical life skills and virtues that are necessary for a successful marriage, such as prayer and spirituality, conflict and communication, protecting the bond, intimacy, and more. (6 sessions)
- Companion Resources: The videos are designed to be used for both marriage preparation and marriage enrichment. The Leader’s Guides and Couple’s Guides are specifically tailored to either situation.
Using BELOVED for Marriage Preparation
- Beloved provides both comprehensive and flexible formats for marriage preparation, especially with
- The Mystery and Meaning of Marriage is the core and heart of the program. These six sessions should be systematically covered during the marriage preparation process using either a traditional one-day or three-meeting Pre-Cana format.
- Living Marriage is supplemental and also flexible, meeting various needs of engaged (and married) couples with in-depth discussion on important topics. We strongly encourage incorporating Living Marriage into the process, either through a sponsor-couple component or as self-study for couples.
Sessions Options Using BELOVED
One- Day Option Using Beloved
- Beloved can be used in a one-day Pre-Cana session setting as outlined below using The Mystery and Meaning of Marriage sessions 1-6
Three-Meeting Option
- Beloved can also be used in a three-session Pre-Cana setting
Preparation for First Confession

FORGIVEN: Embracing God’s Mercy in Confession
FORGIVEN Sessions:
- Session 1: Where Are You?: Discusses how we all face our sinfulness, but God always responds with his merciful love if we only turn to him. The name of God is mercy and his mercy is most fully revealed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- Session 2: An Encounter of Mercy: This session explores the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a real and amazing encounter with God’s mercy. In this sacrament, we don’t just confess our sins to a priest, but Jesus himself is truly present and working through the priest in this powerful encounter.
- Session 3: Embraced in Mercy: The Rite Explained This session takes us through a step by step overview of the Rite of Penance and the nuts and bolts of how to go to Confession. Each step is explained with rich catechesis and testimonials from both priests and everyday Catholics.
- For Children: How to Make a Good Concession: Walks children through the steps to making a good Confession.
Sessions Options Using FORGIVEN
- One Session Parent Meeting:
All three sessions of Forgiven can be used in a two-hour First Confession Parent meeting, which includes group discussion and reflection time. - Two Session Parent Meeting:
Session 1 and Session 2 can be studied in the first 90-minute parent meeting and then Session 3 and the Bonus Session for Parents can be studied in the second 90-minute parent meeting.
Forgiven also includes additional bonus sessions that can be used for both Sacramental Preparation and Adult Faith Formation including:
- Biblical Foundations: Sin, Mercy, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Answering Common Questions about Confession
- For Parents: Preparing Your Child for First Confession
- For Children: Preparing to Receive Your First Confession
- For Catechists: Revealing mercy in a Merciless Word
- For Parish Staff: Strategies on How to Promote Confession
Want to Learn More?
Watch this webinar recording on using FORMED for Sacramental Prep.